Night night

I don't have that much to say today. I've been studying all day, my head feels like a wrung sponge... I just thought I'd share a little drawing I made recently. The subject is something I have been thinking about a lot lately:

Yup. I have nightmares. Like, three times every night. It's starting to get really annoying - I don't feel nearly as rested when I get up as I used too. Plus, well, they're just unpleasant!

I had a really freaky episode a couple of weeks back. Keith found me in bed, screaming at the top of my lungs, rigid, and shaking. When he finally managed to wake me up I couldn't remember the dream at all, but I felt completely terrified. The next day I came up with this little doodle. My dreams don't usually involve monsters under the bed (although spiders seem to be a popular theme, along with rejection and violent assault) but I think it conveys the feeling of frequent nightmares quite well - they really make you feel like a scared little kid sometimes!

How about you? Do you ever get nightmares? Any ideas on how to stop getting them? Maybe I need to stop surfing the web and watching TV right before bed... Oh well, goodnight! :-)

A pouch and photos

Hi everyone! I'm so glad you liked my chocolate balls, let me know if you tried them! I had a lovely time at the fair, it was HUGE. I didn't buy much though... That's one of the annoying things about Sweden, fabric and notions are terribly expensive here! But even though I didn't get to shop a lot, the fair was fun and inspiring! After the fair I visited my moms house and got to try her amazing new sewing machine! It's a Husqvarna Viking Designer Diamond - she got it fresh out of the factory. The embroidery unit is incredible! We tried it out on a simple design, this little pouch:

What do you think? I keep telling my mom she could sell her creations - especially now that she's got such a great sewing machine. But he's still hesitating and refusing to believe in her abilities - any encouraging words would be appreciated!

I also wanted to show you a fun little toy i discovered the other day - the Multicolr Search Lab! It lets you pick up to ten colors and then finds a ton of wonderful flickr photos that contain those colors. I made the mosaic below with some of the photos I found - the result is even more stunning if you pick contrasting colors though. Try it out!

Chocolate pick-me-up

I haven't been feeling very creative lately - I'm having a tough time in school and when I get home I just want to throw myself down in front of the TV... Which is why I was so inspired and happy to find out about the Art Every Day Month project. I'm not officially a member, but I'm going to try and make November a creative month. I just entered another swap over at Craftster, and I'm going to try and make some more ATCs when I get the time.

I've also been doing a lot of baking, it is so very satisfying! I thought I'd share a classic swedish recipe (it's so simple I don't know if you can even call it that) which is great for when you're feeling a little down - Swedish chocolate balls!

This is a very traditional Swedish sweet/pastry, especially common at childrens' parties. And let me tell you, it is yummy! Rather than converting my recipe from the metric system, I thought I'd just share this link, from what I can tell it seems to be the same recipe I use. The measurements in that recipe make a huge batch though, so you might want to halve it. Also, I rolled my lovelies in sprinkles rather that sugar or coconut flakes, just to make them look more cheerful.

I'm looking forward to another thing this weekend that I'm sure will make me feel more creative: Going to Stockholm for a huge sewing fair! Yay! The trip will also give me another chance to spend some time with this lovely lady: