Are you a
Pinterest fan? I totally am! I find it a great way to bookmark craft ideas, patterns and tutorials, as well as images that simply catch my eye in some way - a color combination, an unusual fabric, a spark of inspiration... Sometimes though, Pinterest can become less about finding inspiration for actual craft projects, and more of a black hole which sucks you in - and before you know it, three hours which COULD have been spent crafting are instead spent in front of the computer. So to challenge myself top actually MAKE some of the things from my Pinterest boards, I compiled a list of some favorite projects that I've pinned over the last year or so. All are reasonably simple projects which include instructions, so I really have no excuse to just GET GOING ALREADY.
So much inspiration! I actually already started one of these projects a while back - fabric house ornaments made using the excellent tutorial from
Retro Mama. I'm planning to turn them into lavender sachets for our closets.

See, I've already come this far. About time I finish these! I will keep you updated on my progress. :-)
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